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Space Required for SwingNet Pro / Swing Return V2 / Go Sports Golf Pro

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  • Space Required for SwingNet Pro / Swing Return V2 / Go Sports Golf Pro

    Looking at this style net. There are 3 very similar items. Anyone know how much space you need between the ball and the netting for safety with a driver? Assume 155-165 mph ball speed

    Looking to move my sim golf from the garage to inside and curious how close to the net I can be


  • #2
    All you need is clearance to swing your club if using a camera unit that does not have a ball flight requirement like a radar unit.


    • #3
      Thank you. That is exactly where my brain is at.

      I recently realized I could probably move my setup in my sun room, out of the garage, and swing driver with ease with a camera based unit that sits next to the ball. Not exactly sure why I didn't go down this rabbit hole before. That would make home golf WAYYYY more fun. I can swing Dr in the Garage, but I am just not comfortable doing it. Probably more mental than anything. I did hit a piece of the garage door opener once though with a bad swing one of the times I tried...

      My MLM 2 Pro software license is about to expire. I am thinking of flipping my MLM 2 Pro getting used Skytrack Gen 1 and setting up shop in my sun room.

      One other question?

      If that unit is 3.5' deep, the net is in the front, and I am swinging driver, do I need to have space behind the unit for additional "breaking distance"? or will the net stop 155mph driver within that 3 feet? Basically want to know if it's safe to put that unit in front of the wall or not.


      • #4
        A quality net should stop the ball at any distance from the tee. You can hang an impact screen or second net on the frame to accept the brunt of the force as well

