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GC2 GSX & ProTee Inteface Setup for TGC and ProTee 2.0

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  • GC2 GSX & ProTee Inteface Setup for TGC and ProTee 2.0

    Follow the steps below and in the next few post to initially connect your GC2 to GSX to ProTee Interface. Enjoy!

    1: Connect your Bluetooth adapter to your pc's USB port using a USB extension cable. Run the cable into the sim room where the adapter will be as close to the GC2 as possible or within 6 ft of the GC2. After that, install the Bluetooth adapter driver that came in the package.

    2: Turn on the GC2. From the right bottom corner of the Taskbar, click the up arrow to show all hidden icons. Select the Bluetooth icon and select Add Devices. See the screen shots below.

    Click image for larger version

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    Click image for larger version

Name:	rambo1.jpg
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ID:	16785

    3: If your GC2 does not pair up automatically, click your GC2 device and select Pair. Then enter 0000 and click Next.

    Click image for larger version

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    Last edited by Maverick; 11-25-2014, 11:32 PM.

  • #2
    4: After the GC2 has been paired with the pc, click on the bluetooth icon from the Taskbar again. Then click on Open Settings. Then click on the COM Ports tab. Take note of the Outgoing port. In this case it's COM port 4.

    Click image for larger version

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    You can also verify it from the Windows Device Manager screen.

    Click image for larger version

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    Last edited by Maverick; 01-08-2015, 05:06 AM.


    • #3
      5: Start up the ProTee Interface. Click on Settings. Set Use External Data to ON. Then Save, Close, Exit, and then restart the Interface.

      Click image for larger version

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      • #4
        6: With the ProTee Interface running, start up GSX by double clicking the GSX icon on the desktop. Then click on Settings.
        For Connect with section, select Generic Serial and for Serial Port, use the drop down arrow and select the outgoing GC2 com port found in step 4.
        For Connect to section, select ProTee Golf Interface and make sure the IP Address shows Then click on Status to save settings and go back to the main screen.

        Click image for larger version

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        Last edited by Maverick; 11-21-2014, 08:30 AM.


        • Stingreye
          Stingreye commented
          Editing a comment
          PLEASE NOTE: The pictures says COM3 but the correct COM is COM4 (the outgoing in bluetooth settings). The text is correct but the picture is wrong. This has messed me up a couple times.

        • AggroCrag
          AggroCrag commented
          Editing a comment
          What is GSX? That’s the part I’m getting hung up on

      • #5
        7: From GSX's main/status screen, click on the Connect switch and slide it to the right. This will connect GSX to ProTee Interface. If all is well, both Status Input and Status Output will show CONNECTED and there will be a green light at the top right corner.

        Click image for larger version

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ID:	16805


        • #6
          8: The GSX/ProTee Interface connection is now complete. The above instructions are for initial setups only. Future connections will just require you to start the ProTee interface, turn on GC2, start up GSX, and finally, slide GSX Connect switch to ON.

          9: You can now start up ProTee Golf or TGC and start hitting shots.

          Note: When switching from ProTee Golf use to TGC use, you must set TGC use to ON in the ProTee Interface and also set TGC use to ON under the TGC tab in GSX.

          Like so.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	gsx3.jpg
Views:	10545
Size:	44.4 KB
ID:	16809
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Maverick; 11-21-2014, 08:32 AM.


          • #7
            My GSX version does not have the TGC option. Do you I just send an email to support to get the new version?


            • #8
              GSX 0.6.0 can now be downloaded with the gswebsetup.exe.


              • #9
                What GSX and ProTee Interface settings are people using for the TGC when using GC2 as the hardware?


                • #10
                  With the GC2 we do not use any of the setting in the Protee interface. There are the com ports and a slider to use another device for input (can't recall the exact name but there is a setup thread that shows that info).

                  You need to still open that interface for the GSX to be used. In the GSX all settings can be at 0 for penalties. I now am trying 2 for all clubs. Also the putting needs to be around 13 or what you feel is good for you. The putting forgiveness (again can't recall off hand the exact name) needs to be at 2 so that all putts that are within 1.5 deg (on line or off line) will still go straight. Any more off line your putt will show the miss. Still need to read greens and speed but at least the short putts are more accurate to make.

                  Find that thread with the setup info.
                  Last edited by SFR; 11-25-2014, 09:48 PM.
                  Mountain Time


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by SFR View Post
                    With the GC2 we do not use any of the setting in the Protee interface. There are the com ports and a slider to use another device for input (can't recall the exact name but there is a setup thread that shows that info).

                    You need to still open that interface for the GSX to be used. In the GSX all settings can be at 0 for penalties. I now am trying 2 for all clubs. Also the putting needs to be around 13 or what you feel is good for you. The putting forgiveness (again can't recall off hand the exact name) needs to be at 1 so that all putts that are within 1.5 deg (on line or off line) will still go straight. Any more off line your putt will show the miss. Still need to read greens and speed but at least the short putts are more accurate to make.

                    Find that thread with the setup info.
                    Yes, that is what I am looking for, 'that thread'. Anyone know where I can find it?


                    • #12
                      It's in this forum (Foresight Sports) at the top of the page.
                      Follow the steps below and in the next few post to initially connect your GC2 to GSX to ProTee Interface. Enjoy! 1: Connect your Bluetooth adapter to your pc's USB
                      Mountain Time


                      • #13
                        Here's the thread. It's in the first post. TGC settings are still being tuned. And putting forgiveness should be set at 2.



                        • #14
                          The settings in GSX do they also work in TGC? Also how do you get these settings to save everytime I reopen they go back to default.


                          • #15
                            Yes, they work for both. When you go back to the Status screen, the settings will be saved.

