Common driver numbers for me look something like...
Ball speed: 130mph
Launch angle: 22 degrees
Backspin: 4000 rpm
Total distance: 230 yards
Those aren't exact but I'm going off of guess of averages I remember from my drives.
What i'm trying to figure out is how I have such a high launch angle AND high backspin. When I did some googling on the subject it seems like if someone is hitting down on the ball (which I'm not sure if I am because Skytrak doesn't show AoA), they will produce high backspin but with a low launch angle. Maybe I'm understanding that wrong.
Has anyone else had this same type of result in their swing consistently and/or know what causes it? I know I'm robbing myself of 20-30 yards by hitting with such a high launch angle and high backspin.
As a side note, my driver is 10 degrees loft, I position the ball around the heal of front foot, tee it reasonably high, tilt back and keep my head behind the ball, in at least an attempt to hit up on the ball. I know what i'm attempting to do and reality sometimes don't always match though. I'll try to record my swing in the near future.
Ball speed: 130mph
Launch angle: 22 degrees
Backspin: 4000 rpm
Total distance: 230 yards
Those aren't exact but I'm going off of guess of averages I remember from my drives.
What i'm trying to figure out is how I have such a high launch angle AND high backspin. When I did some googling on the subject it seems like if someone is hitting down on the ball (which I'm not sure if I am because Skytrak doesn't show AoA), they will produce high backspin but with a low launch angle. Maybe I'm understanding that wrong.
Has anyone else had this same type of result in their swing consistently and/or know what causes it? I know I'm robbing myself of 20-30 yards by hitting with such a high launch angle and high backspin.
As a side note, my driver is 10 degrees loft, I position the ball around the heal of front foot, tee it reasonably high, tilt back and keep my head behind the ball, in at least an attempt to hit up on the ball. I know what i'm attempting to do and reality sometimes don't always match though. I'll try to record my swing in the near future.