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ProTee 101 plus setup tips for newbies.

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  • ProTee 101 plus setup tips for newbies.

    Post questions and setup tips here.

  • #16
    Reducing drag is another way to increase carry.

    Get the cameras setup before going further with setting adjustments. The beta stuff will allow a really realistic setup but needs the cameras.


    • #17
      Protee should make Zmax their official mascot and give him a salary. Don't know what we would do without you guys.


      • #18
        Exactly as Z says. James the cameras will really add to the accuracy of the system. Its great without the cams but the cams really improve the ball accuracy.

        I agree Rick.


        • #19
          Thanks Guys. Adding the cameras seems to be a no brainer, especially at their reasonable price point. If you guys can think of any other minor settings I can experiment with before I get the cameras let me know. I am sure I will have some more questions as we continue to get going here. Playing allot of golf lately...18 degrees out....does not matter anymore!


          • #20
            Should I hold off on buying cameras for the time being? Looks like some new products that might take the place of cameras will be available in the near future.....?


            • #21
              That is a great question that we would all love to know the answer to.


              • #22
                The cameras are cheap. Get them anyway. They will make your Protee really accurate in the mean time. They might be useful later on as well.


                • #23
                  Get the cameras.


                  • #24
                    Folks - I recently purchased Rambo's used Protee and I have it functioning but still working out some of the bugs. Since I am also a newbee I figured to use this posting. I have two questions really.

                    First, accuracy of the protee seems to be very good left and right, but the distance is off. I know everyone probably says that. But seriously, I seem to be about 15-20 yards short with all my irons. Even when I pure an over swing it doesn't seem to get out there.. I am just 2 clubbing up to make up for it but there must be a way to adjust that.

                    Secondly, seem to have some errors with chipping. When I try and chip softly, it doesn't register a hit. Then I swing harder to make it pic up the shot and it goes way over the green. I seem to not be able to chip anything less than say 30 years.

                    I read a zmax post on adjusting the min launch angle for the lob wedge... Is that in the club settings?

                    Anyways - thanks to everyone who advised me to the protee, its already a lot of fun. After I get this stuff fixed I plan on setting up the online play. Will post some picks of set up this evening also.
                    Last edited by Maverick; 09-25-2014, 05:49 AM.


                    • #25
                      As far as the short irons. There is several ways to achieve the correct distance. Some use the club head speed some use the drag setting and some use ball speed. all can be found in the interface options settings some are in the ball tab. I adjusted every club individually to get the results that match my outside distances. I personally used a little drag and a little ball speed but others found that one or the other would give to much roll or visa versa.

                      Chipping could be a mic issue. Or try adjusting the audio settings to 0 like I had to do. also in the interface. if that don't help take a can or compressed air and blow out the spot directly behind the ball tee. the mic is under that spot. If I remember correctly it is behind the slot behind the ball in the middle under the fiberbuilt mat. If that don't help you may need to adjust the mic. see Zmax's post on that.


                      • #26
                        For the distance, you can address the ball drag in the settings screen by club to get it to be closer to what you think your distances are. You can have a global setting or adjust each club. There are several setting for this you can change, but Dennis at Protee recommends only changing the ball drag (effectively you are changing the gravity on the ball). The lower the drag, the farther the ball goes. I've found that different clubs need different drag adjustments.


                        • #27
                          For short game, when you set up your camera readings, you need to make sure you focus on the settings with the wedges selected. I've found those to be the hardest to get read. Once those are nailed, tweak it slightly if needed for the other clubs.

                          There are a couple of things to adjust for short game depending on the shots you want to play.

                          There is a specific chipping and pitching drag and spin adjustments (that activate within the user-set distance). That allows you to, for example, create a better distance reflective of the spin you'd have on the shot. So, for example, if you don't like how it reads on a 20-30 yard shot you can tweak those specifically.

                          The flop shot and sand shots are where things get a little funny. If you think about those shots, you swing really fast to generate low distance. The club will generally accelerate past the ball in the first few feet of the swing. The issue with Protee here is that the club head passes the sensor before the ball. And the system thinks the club head is the ball so it creates a way-too-long shot. So you can set it up so that a shot hit within, for example, 30 yards that has a launch angle of at least 30-40 degrees (you set that degree) will be read as a flop shot. You can then have a modified drag setting impact it - so it would say, if you are within 30 yards and the launch is 30-40*+, then reduce the distance of the shot by 50-80%. So you'd hit the heck out of the ball but it would read as though it was a short shot.

                          These settings are all changed in the settings file itself (into the setting screen, hit alt-e and a text file opens).

                          If you are hitting a short chip and it doesn't read as a hit at all, you might have the audio detection set incorrectly (the system detects the sound of the ball impact to consider a swing a hit). Make sure audio detection is on and set at a pretty low decibel level (I think it's supposed to be at 2 or 4 or something, but you might have it turned off?).

                          Take a look at all the settings files that Z had posted with this context in mind and it might make more sense.

                          It is also a good idea with the initial setup to have a remote support session with Dennis at Protee. He'll get you all set up and you can ask specific questions. If you do that, just make sure you test the system with him live using full and half wedges, chips, sand shots, flops etc. Don't let him go after only setting drives and irons.
                          Last edited by Maverick; 09-25-2014, 05:49 AM.


                          • #28
                            Great info guys.

                            Andy, you'll want to spend some time in the technical area of this forum.

                            Technical instructions, hints and tips.Check the user manual before posting here.
                            Last edited by Maverick; 09-25-2014, 05:50 AM.


                            • #29
                              Some quick question regarding the operation of the system.. 1. Does the H-Cam influence the club path inside out number? or is this determined exclusively by the sensor mat?


                              • #30
                                See screen capture which had a horizontal launch angle of +2

