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Vcam - soft lob wedge

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  • Vcam - soft lob wedge

    Anyone have any thoughts on this mess? Also, another interesting thing is that it says PT4 in the the screen capture, but says PT5 in the interface.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Cklguy2013; 11-29-2016, 03:59 AM.

  • #2
    My settings here are similar to vcam except no gain
    Framerate - 30
    Shutter - 33
    Gain - 0


    • #3
      I messaged you back btw but the messaging on this forum confuses me. I don't know what the difference is between visitor messages and pm's but anyways, if you have any advice, I'd like to hear it. Thanks.


      • Cklguy2013
        Cklguy2013 commented
        Editing a comment
        I sent you a pm

      • aeroburner
        aeroburner commented
        Editing a comment
        you can do visitor but thats for non members to message us

    • #4
      Also I use pt1 for all hcam


      • #5
        mine is a lot different in the settings I even run white club heads that do not mark anymore it is so nice did you guys get the new options for the cams in the interface that protee built in 3.08 for me was this put into 3.10 i just upgraded and do not know if this was implemented.


        • #6
          Try setting detection methods H-Cam to PT1.


          • Cklguy2013
            Cklguy2013 commented
            Editing a comment
            Ok I'll do that tonight and see how it goes.

        • #7
          I changed to PT1 in the interface, closed and reopened. It does say PT1 in the interface but on the display it it still says pt4, running 3.10 btw.


          • #8
            screen capture,
            Attached Files


            • #9
              Did you restart the interface after the method change? If you did send your settings file to support.


              • Cklguy2013
                Cklguy2013 commented
                Editing a comment
                Yes I did. Ok will send tonight.

            • #10
              The same problem was present back in fall of 2014 according to the media you posted. The lights are not aligned optimally. They may have worked in the past and it could have been that the light bulbs themselves were "fresher" or brighter that now. I do not know. The light is just not centered over the putting sensor as in the diagram below. If it were, your streak would be longer. I am sorry to beat a dead horse but I had the same issues before. I have also looked at many posts about hcam issues and setup recommendations. No one recommends placing the lights where yours is. I am not trying to be a jerk. If I am I apologize. It would not take anything to just aim it a bit more towards the screen and you would get a longer streak. I am just trying to help. I won't


              • inorkuo
                inorkuo commented
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                it does look like the light is off center from the putting sensor but if he aims it more towards the screen, he'll end up with a gap between the lights which is also bad. changing light bulbs is a good thought.

              • Cklguy2013
                Cklguy2013 commented
                Editing a comment
                Hey no worries on comments Boerdec, I appreciate. You are correct the putting sensor is not centred and I just have to tilt more towards the screen, the light over the main sensor isn't either, so I can tilt it as well, to close the gap. So I'll see how this works.

            • #11
              Thanks Protee for the support, the H-Cam seems to be working now. I didn't realize that some new PT cam settings had been added in the interface, so once pointed out I changed to Pt1 and all seem good for now.


              • #12
                Say thank you to my white club heads Cklguy pro tee was tired of dealing with me and just rewrote the interface. And added the optional cam settings and the 3I cam are for hybrids on cam settings FYI


                • #13
                  did not know that on the 3i so that is for a hybrid.


                  • #14
                    That's what the intention was for as using a hybrid was yardage discrencies using it as a wood and that using as iron it read the head instead of ball at least that was the thought

