What would be the chance of dropping the geece off the shot screen and instead insert a screen capture of the ball launch for verification of launch angle streak. I think it would help eliminate fighting over if a shot was a missread(happens at least a few few times a round when I play with friends). My pc tends to freak out and studder if you alt tab out of the game to look and has to close tgc to fix it.
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Vcam launch suggestion
Tony, Not everybody can afford a GC2 and there are those of us that actually like ProTee and have it set up perfectly and never get misreads. We get it that you love your GC2 but that doesnt help this poster.
To answer your question, I dont think that would be possible because the golf club just uses data from the interface. The cameras just feed the data to the game through that interface.
One other way besides alt tab, which I also had issues with, is if you pull down on the golf club title bar ever so slightly, you will have the system tray available with the interface in the tray as active. You should be able to click on that and toggle back and forth by clicking the appropriate button. If this still causes problems, you might need to upgrade your computer. You can also tweak the graphics to not be quite as resource consuming and still have good graphics. As a word of caution though, make sure you do not step in the paths of the cameras if you think it was a misread or they reset. When I first got the system and was tweaking it, I had quite a few and they fell into the following categories.
Very high launch and very high club head speed, this one will be obvious.
Straight right shot on a well hit ball, should be obvious.
Wedge going way to far over the green, again, pretty obvious, Settings in your file can help with this, not sure what they are at the moment but search for "wedge distance too far" or something along those lines on here.
A few important things I tweaked to get where I'm at now. Blackout sheet for background of v cam. Good background for h cam, mainly whats in front of your sensor. Background is vital for cameras. This will give you a consistent ball streak. Good repeater/amplifying usb extenders for your cameras. I can send you a link of the ones I bought. Made a HUGE difference. This prevents the camera settings getting changed which causes most of the problems. Lighting is very important also of course, the positioning of your lights. Many tips on that here, almost too many. This affects club head and ball speed if incorrect. Basically light centered directly over the sensor, forward light slightly touching sensor light.
ProTee support is tremendous. write them an email at support@protee-united.com they will set up remote sessions or do whatever it takes to get your system right.They are at or about GMT so you may not get a response until the next morning but they will always respond within 24 hours. I have written them about 30 times over the year. Hang in there, it is an awesome unit when its set up correctly.
I understand Bill. I just feel Ryans frustrations. You went through it too as well as myself. I just don't have patience sometimes. Your right though, when Protee is set up properly it does work great. The thing that pursuaded me away for the hardware was when I went idle for a while everything got messed up and I had to go into the interface and cam settings and reset everything back to where it was. The avenue I took now just eliminates all that. just a couple of clicks and I'm ready to play. I realize gc2 is expensive, and I didn't mean to be sarcastic, if I was I apologize. For people on a budget, pro tee is still the best thing since sliced bread. Gc2 is very expensive even a used one.
Ryan, what's the real issue with the misreads?
It's usually pretty obvious when there's a misread. You get the towering loop the loop that goes nowhere, the super long shot with unrealistic club and ballspeed, wedges that fly way farther than they should, shots that fly off at crazy angles, and sometimes errors due to incorrect Vcam reports.
Of all the possible misreads, the Vcam is an issue in only one type. There are some subtleties of course but you can also use where the ball hits the impact screen. Using some trigonometry I figured out that a ball hitting my impact screen halfway up was about 22 degrees LA, top of screen about 45 degrees LA. That gives me enough info to judge if what TGC reports for LA is in the ballpark.
You and your buds should sit down and agree on the tell tale signs and just get on with it.Last edited by aja; 12-14-2016, 07:50 AM.
The loops are the 2nd most annoying but they happen way to often. At least they are the easiest to see. My one friend can't use his nike driver since it will loop every time. On his ping its only once every few rounds.
150 yard half wedges are the worst ones. Or the pitches that go 3 yards even though they launched high into the screen. cant complain about the 450-500 yard drives it throws out once in a great while
My main concern is you never really know if it even working if you don't see the info from the vcam anywhere. I have had so many shots that hit low on the screen but in game go a mile high. or even the exact opposite. I only found out my cam was not working after every shot was registering at 22 deg launch.
I have a black curtain on the wall the vcam faces and switched to yellow balls since they gave me better ball streaks. I seem to get long easily visible streaks when I test everything.
Im not trying to complain since I knew the setbacks going into this. I just wouldnt mind easy visible feedback on what the system is actually looking at.
I will eventually get a GC2 type system once I have a dedicated indoor room in my next home.
Ryan - have you done a remote session with ProTee? If you haven't, then you should.
I will compare settings this weekend when I get a chance to play for wedges . My usb extendeder was just replaced with a better quality one.
Loops happen generally with the Nike vapor pro driver or any club with an overly bright shiny face. My personal clubs don't tend to throw the loops more then once every 5 rounds.
Supposedly the Nike driver thing was improved in their new interface 3.10b I think. It is a free download on their site and takes about 2 minutes. They will tell you which camera setting in an email. I don't know which poster it was on here but they said it helped tremendously.