I used to have a GC Quad that I used for an indoor sim, but now I live in a warmer climate, so all of my practice is outside. Now I am just looking for a good value launch monitor to help me dial in wedge distances on the range and golf course during practice. I would like to keep the cost under $3,000 if possible. My main concerns are distance accuracy and ease of reading output. Obviously the unit will need to be wireless and Bluetooth capable. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
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Best Launch Monitor for Dialing in Distances Outdoors
So you're always getting full ball flight? Radar units will give you the carry distance of the ball, acxounting for the elevation change of the course or range. Camera units will give you carry distance based on flat terrain so just depends what you're after. For sub $3k. I'd go Mevo+ for radar and BLP for camera.