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Minimum screen size advice

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  • Minimum screen size advice

    Previously posted but my room dimension have changed since then

    I have a house under construction and not close by so can't go swing a club just yet. Trying to plan ahead on my design to make sure its worth the cost to frame out this room.

    I've uploaded image of room size, I have plenty of ceiling height in the middle of room (11.5') but at the wall its only 6'10. I would like to be able to hit to center of screen so would either of these screen sizes work?

    16:9 - 10'x6'
    4:3 - 10'x7.5'

    I only care about right hand setup but want to hit center of screen (feel like hitting off center would impact my game).

    Will these screens be to small? Will I have problems hitting ceiling if I tee up on center line?

  • #2
    hard to know if you can swing in center due to the sloped ceiling behind you at setup. only way to know for sure is to slowly swing a club when the room is done. go with the largest screen that will fit. You will probably need some type of top protection as well .




    • #3
      my space is 12' wide with a 10' x 7.5' screen, I planned on projecting at 16:10 but chose 16:9 I dont mind the bars as much as I mind the loss in resolution.

      12' wide is a pretty tight space. I am not comfortable hitting on the center of the screen with anything longer than a 7 iron. I hit about 2' off center and its very comfortable. I dont want to down your hope but I dont see how with those room dimensions your going to be able to hit on center.

      Ill also add I am hitting about 7' from the screen, to me this is absolutely as close as you can comfortably swing, 7.5' tall screen at that distance is comfortable for all wedge shots, 6' might be to short for certain shots but you can always hang some sort of cloth/padding to pickup the rare super high shots. Of course though if your going to be farther away than 7' the low height is going to be more of a problem - I would try to build my setup 10' from the screen minimum if I could - the experience of being so close to the projected imagine kinda sucks, but in thinking about it if I was swinging further away from the screen being off center would probably suck more
      Last edited by chip_shot; 09-01-2021, 03:41 PM.


      • chip_shot
        chip_shot commented
        Editing a comment
        Actually I was mistaken my screen is 80" tall so a little under 7'. You might be OK with the 10' x 6' screen size being offset

    • #4
      What would be the perfect size screen for skytrak if you had plenty of room. How far back would from screen would provide best graphics?


      • #5
        I would think you'll be challenged to center tee in 12 foot area as that only leaves you 6 feet to swing. My screen is 10 feet wide and 4:3 to fit single garage stall. I have more like 12 feet width to swing from 11 feet back from screen. I centered my 60" square Quattro mat with front at about 10 feet behind screen. Thus, hitting offset from about 11 feet back. I use TGC 2019 where you can offset target accordingly. Works fine. I also use FSX 2020, which also configures based on ball distance to screen and offset. All good. I align my swing more to mat than to screen anyway. Also allows ball impact to be on side of screen, which in my case allows me to rotate screen occasionally to distribute impact area.


        • #6
          I was able to swing in my space this week and as mentioned swinging on center is very tight, it was doable but to close for comfort. However I only had to move a foot off center and I had plenty of clearance. Because I have plenty of head room in the center I think my best option would be to use some sort of padding on walls and ceiling instead of installing a standard rectangular enclosure. I’ve seen a few nice looking installs on this forum using black panels. Has anyone seen an install using a panels to suppress sound and errant high shots attached in this way rather than building a framed enclosure?


          • #7
            Originally posted by chip_shot View Post
            a 10' x 7.5' screen,.... Ill also add I am hitting about 7' from the screen
            I am in a similar situation and very curious as to what you are using for a projector and where it is located. Please let me know!


            • chip_shot
              chip_shot commented
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              Went through a few different projectors and settled on the Optoma GT1090HDR set to 16:10 resolution. Sucks to not use the full resolution of the projector but my space is extremely constrained and no 16:10 native projector I could find had the right throw ratio. Projector mounts about 5 feet or so back from the screen, actually plan on finishing the install this weekend Ill try to remember to upload a pic

          • #8
            chip_shot - thx for the response. Would love to see a picture!

