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  • Injuries

    So im playing harbor town event and on my last iron shot into hole 18 I get some weakness in my left leg and soreness in my lower back corresponding side. Im thinking I just got my introduction to sciatica! One day later and the pain is so bad im afraid to move! Il have to go get this checked out for sure but for those of you that have had sciatica how long til you could golf again assuming that is what i have???

  • #2
    I've been dealing with this for the last few months. It comes and goes. Some days are worse than others. I try do some stretching to keep it loose. I've tried to not golf for a few days to see if it would get better, but it seemed to get worse. My theory is that swinging stretches out. But I have had days where it hurt so bad I just absolutely could not swing. I've been to the regular doctor and the chiropractor, neither solved my problem. I think the next step is a specialist that takes care of the local college athletes. I'm very curious to see what you come up with. Keep us posted. Hope you feel better.


    • #3
      If it's the first time you have had it happen and it's severe, you may have herniated a disc. If it's been coming on gradually maybe stenosis, either one can be severely painful. Either way you should get an MRI and get started on some form of treatment. If it's severe this soon you may be looking at surgery. Hopefully just strained your IT band beating balls into a mat. Good luck and hope for the best.


      • Wizard of Coz
        Wizard of Coz commented
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        That's not what I wanted to hear. I had zero discomfort until after my approach shot on 18. Then I would say mild discomfort that slowly ramped up throughout the day yesterday and awful today. Im not a fan of surgery so ill take some ibuprofen stretch stretch stretch and go see a chiropractor first. I can't lose a season of golf oh boy this sucks.

    • #4
      If you're using CCE, you need to replace that immediately. I had CCE and started to feel the pain on my wrist/elbow after about 3 months or so and changed to Divot Action (forgiving like TrueStrike or Fiberbuilt) and pains are no more.


      • Wizard of Coz
        Wizard of Coz commented
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        I had cce and got tendinitis im using fiberbuilt now.

    • #5
      Symptoms of Sciatica.

      Common symptoms of sciatica include:

      Lower back pain
      Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting
      Hip pain
      Burning or tingling down the leg
      Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot
      A constant pain on one side of the rear
      A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up

      Sciatica usually affects only one side of the lower body, but can effect both. Often, the pain extends from the lower back all the way through the back of the thigh and down through the leg.
      Depending on where the sciatic nerve is affected, the pain may also extend to the foot or toes.

      I have had to deal with this since 1969 the first of one of the three times I broke my back, I have days it is almost unbearable but I have found a few things that help. If you keep your billfold in your back pocket, move it to a front pocket believe me it helps. Do stretches before you get out of the bed in the morning this also helps. And for me at lest stay away from the pain killers, although they seem to help at first over the long run they seem to make it worse, I am also on on heart medication now due to the fact I was given Darvon for the pain. I quit taken pain medication many years ago and though I do have bad days for the most part they are less and not as severe as what they were. I will use Bayer back and body every now and then but not very often. Doesn't hurt to see a doctor just to see what is going on. Sciatica is mainly a pinched nerve, the dull pain is from when it is being pinched and the burning sensation from when the pinch is removed from the nerve. As you can see from my x-ray I should have taken better care of this body along the way.


      • Wizard of Coz
        Wizard of Coz commented
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        Nothing like new ailments. I went from scared to move on Monday to getting around pretty good on Tuesday. Ibuprofen and stretching stretching and more stretching. That's was a scary Monday thought my season was over before it started.

      • BGCurtis2nd
        BGCurtis2nd commented
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        @ Wizard of Coz As Burl Ives use to say, "Pain is just mother-natures way of letting you know you are still alive." I am glad to hear you have improved, hope it was just a passing thing, best of luck to you.

    • #6
      Hope it turns out to be a passing thing Wiz of Coz... Good Luck!


      • #7
        i used to get this pain, it was from inflammation around one of the lower facet joints in the spine, which then caused the Sciatica, my physio diagnosed this.. he did some quite painful stretches to "open" open the joint which immediately relieved the pain, upon entering the physios office i was literally crawling on the floor, then he did his stuff and by the time i left i could barely feel it, he said i'd be back to playing golf within the week, he also did some flexibility tests and core strength tests which showed that whilst i had good flexibility, my core strength was poor, so instead of the core muscles supporting lower back in the swing, all the support was being done by the tendons and ligaments which is what caused the inflamation... so he gave me a series of core exercises to do regularly and since then (3 years ago) i've not had any serious reoccurances... but everyone is different, best thing is to go get checked out by a professional, ideally someone who has an idea of the golf mechanics on the body...

        good luck, and with regards to the mat, i echo LEO MODE comments, the CCE whilst great for practicing strike, is quite severe on the joints of the wrist and elbow, especially if you a a digger.. i've since switched to a Fiberbuilt and a T-35 mat, the Fiberbuilt is very forgiving on the joints but it does take a bit of getting used to, the T35 looks like a CCE but is a less dense pile, and this is what i currently use, to me it offers the best of both worlds, very realistic feeling and very forgiving.


        • #8
          O say it ain't so! Hope it is just a minor injury Wizard of Coz get well soon! Keeps us posted


          • #9
            I had this pain before, even going to one room from another was such a big nightmare. It usually starts with a slight back pain. After going to doctor you should carefully move cause it can happen again. I got it checked when I was in Berlin to search for commercial real estate in Berlin, I had three injections and now I'm fine.


            • #10
              Ok my friends - I have found myself in this sciatica situation and not even touched a club for 6+ weeks!

              I don’t know why I didn’t think to look up here, but it seems that everyone here that has had it,
              finds some way around it to continue to golf.

              I have been to my family doc, the local ER (about a month ago), to a PT (physical therapist) and tried a few online programs and read several books. Very few even mention golf, though my PT did tell me I’m not done golfing, but that was before he saw my X-rays which show lots of bone Spurs and a slippage forward of L3-L4-L5 all stacked on top of each other, and arthritis!

              I know it sounds maybe unattainable, but I’m not really going to give up golf, I’m too young (59 this month), and planning on playing into my 70’s…

              But, I’m wondering if any of you could share some lifesaving (swing saving) tips? Especially Tommy, who said he had some Core exercises that did the trick?

              Here’s what has me most worried… I had a long backswing before all this, it helped me generate a lot of clubhead speed and power and was part of my junior golf trademark back in the day… well I read in one of the books I found that said shorten your backswing to 31 inches and reduce the follow through and you’ll be fine! God no… I can’t imagine losing 1/2 my distance at this stage of my life, but maybe it’s the only way?

              i still have some pain, all day, every day pretty much, but the stretching helps a little… I also heard some experts say - it can take up to a year for full recovery?!!

              What do I have in store? I hope you all have some stories that will keep me optimistic, until this works itself out??



              • Wizard of Coz
                Wizard of Coz commented
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                That sucks but a shorter swing is great for ball striking and with practice you can find speed there too.
                Get well.